Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 5

Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 5

Happy Friday, friends! Here we are at the end of another week already. It felt like this week really flew by! My "baby" is graduating from high school on Sunday so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the big day. I mean, didn't he just start Kindergarten? It's incredible how the older I get, the faster time seems to go. Do you feel that way too?

Getting to the food part of this post, we are already at week 5 of our weekly menu plan! I hope you've been enjoying these menus as much as we've enjoyed putting them together. I've been using the plan myself and have loved all the new recipes I've tried, and so has my son! Do you have a favorite yet? As always, please share your thoughts and suggestions below. I value your feedback!
As a reminder, here's how the plan works: Every Friday morning a new menu plan will be posted on the blog. (It can also show up in your email, just sign up here!) It will consist of 5 dinners plus 2 extras. Those two extras could be side dishes, dessert, drinks, etc. 

The menus will feature (mostly) healthy, seasonal foods that don't take all day to prepare. Getting the meal plan delivered to your inbox on Friday morning gives you the chance to make your shopping list and get organized for the week ahead! With everything you've got going on this spring, and with summer just around the corner, this weekly menu plan will provide inspiration and make life a little bit easier. Let's get started!

Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 5

The Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan is brought to you by:

1 comment :

  1.  cabbage salad is a delicious and rich diet salad. This time, cook in the French style to decorate your diet and healthy table. Join Orshid to teach you how to make French cabbage salad with apple cider vinegar and olive oil at home
