Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 6

Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 6

Happy Friday, friends! Happy Memorial Day! And happy long weekend! I only have to work a few hours this morning so I technically have a three and a half day weekend and I. Can't. Wait. We have so much to do this weekend. E's graduation party is next Saturday and I am totally not ready. Oh and by the way, I successfully made it through his graduation ceremony without a major breakdown. Score one for mom!

I'm super thankful for these weekly menu plans because believe me, I will be utilizing them this coming week. With all we have going on, I need to plan ahead and make sure dinner is on the table fast. Which recipes have you tried? Do you have a favorite? Let me know! You know I love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. 

As a reminder, here's how the plan works: Every Friday morning a new menu plan will be posted on the blog. (It can also show up in your email, just sign up here!) It will consist of 5 dinners plus 2 extras. Those two extras could be side dishes, dessert, drinks, etc. 

The menus will feature (mostly) healthy, seasonal foods that don't take all day to prepare. Getting the meal plan delivered to your inbox on Friday morning gives you the chance to make your shopping list and get organized for the week ahead! With everything you've got going on this spring, and with summer just around the corner, this weekly menu plan will provide inspiration and make life a little bit easier. Let's get started!

Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan - Week 6

EXTRA (Dessert) - Bourbon Blackberry Jam Bars

The Dinner Divas Weekly Menu Plan is brought to you by:

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