One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo

One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo

This rich and creamy One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo cooks in one single pan and 
can be on the table in 30 minutes, making it a perfect weeknight meal!
One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo | The Chef Next Door
It's hard to believe but school is starting soon! How did the summer go by so fast? Wasn't it just June? I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that school does in fact start next Monday, AND my baby is a senior. Seems like just yesterday he was a freshman! My oldest will be starting his junior year in college in just a few short weeks, and suddenly I feel old. Very, very old. My babies aren't little babies any more!

Anyway, sorry for getting all sappy and what not. I'll pull myself together now, simply because I've been dying to share this recipe with you. One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo is creamy, full of flavor, hearty, and just plain delicious. If you've got one big pan and about thirty minutes or so to spare, then this meal is for you!

One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo | The Chef Next Door
This dish is incredibly simple to make and doesn't have a lengthy ingredient list. Just a few things from your pantry and frig and you are well on your way to making this delicious dinner. If your family is anything like mine, they will love it! This is a very quick cooking dish as well, which means it's perfect for those crazy weeknights. 
One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo | The Chef Next Door
I used some really fun Strozzapreti pasta for this dish, but you can really use any shape of pasta that you prefer. I like pasta that has little holes on the end, which are perfect for soaking up all of that delicious sauce. 

Are your kids back in school already, or starting soon? Are you a bit of a mess like me? I'm here for you if you need me!

One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo
Author: Sarah Bates | The Chef Next Door
Serves 4
Print this recipe

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
1 cup heavy cream
16 ounce jar roasted red peppers, drained, patted dry and finely chopped
2 cups dried pasta
6 ounce bag fresh spinach
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste

In a large pot or pan, add the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute for a few minutes, until the onions are softened. Add in the broth, cream, roasted red peppers and pasta. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer and cover the pan.  Cook for 10-12 minutes, until the pasta is cooked through. If needed, additional broth can be added. 

Stir in the spinach, a handful at a time, and cook until wilted and warm. Stir in the Parmesan and stir until melted. Add salt and pepper, to taste, if needed. Serve immediately.

Bon Appétit!
One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Alfredo | The Chef Next Door
I'm honored to be a Milk Means More Ambassador and I thank them for sponsoring this post! I was compensated for developing a "Back to School" dinner recipe, however all opinions, as always, are my own.

The United Dairy Industry of Michigan, branded as Milk Means More, is the umbrella organization for the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council of Michigan. Their goal is to promote Michigan’s locally produced dairy products and reconnect consumers with the people behind their food. For more great dairy recipes, follow Milk Means More on Pinterest. To learn more about nutrition, animal care/well-being and on-farm practices related to dairy products and the dairy industry, you may want to follow Milk Means More on Facebook. You can also follow them on InstagramTwitter and YouTube!


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  4. Really good! I did end up adding more broth and a tad more heavy cream as a balance. Family polished it off and said, “It’s a keeper!” Next time I’m doubling it for sure.

  5. This was absolutely delicious. I did everything according to the directions but needed to use gluten-free pasta. Because of that, I did let it cook a little longer per your suggestion by adding more broth and a little more cream. For those of us that wanted protein, I just had them add a little diced up chicken. My only complaint was I didn’t make enough! Thank you!

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